Mary Maxine Owens
“Even though you’re gone Grammy, Still hug me please and whisper in my ear you love me please!” -R.A.Y R.A.Y
When I got a text message saying call me from someone I rarely talk to but is close to my grammy. I called and that’s when I heard the worst news still in my life “ Your Grammy passed away this morning”. My heart beats speed increased as I hung up and just stared. I ran to my dad’s room and climbed in the bed with him and he just held me, he knew already what had happened before I came in the room.
This Lady, My Grammy, was there for everyone and opened her home with open arms to anybody in the need of help. People even called from jail to get prayer from her, everyone knew her number 951–369–5279 until it got caught off when she started struggling.
She started struggling with money and her health after another kidney had gone bad on her. Even through the struggle she showed me a womens job was never done and do not be lazy even if you are sick. She walked tell she couldn’t walk no more and when she passed I bet you she breathed tell she could not breathe anymore. My grammy was strong and a God fearing woman.
My Lady My Angel
One rule of Grammys was that if you were to stay at her home you would have to work or go to church. That was the only way you were getting out of going to church is if you had to work. And she faithfully went to Sunday School which she use to teach. My Grammy kept me at church and I thank her for introducing me to the Lord because even though I am a Isrealite United In Christ, I would not have been guided the right way if I was not introduced to God and Jesus Christ. Whenever I was in fear, My grammy would tell me to say Jesus’ name over and over until I felt better. And she led by example she would be in church with her hands up shouting his name over and over praying over us. When she left me here with these people, as I always said when she left the house without me, I felt alone and like nobody prayed for me like she always did. I still feel like nobody was there for me like she was. She would answer the phone at 3 in the morning and talk to you until you needed her to. She was my everything and I still wish she was here. I wish I felt safe in the world like I did when she was here and she rarely could walk, that is how far her love traveled when I was away from her, I still felt safe. I still felt the blessing and prayer from her lips in my ear as I succeeded in my goals in life. It has gotten harder since she has been gone and my confidence went down. I prayed and prayed now I am still praying that I uplift myself without here physically here. I want to feel complete like I am changing the cycle again not doing the samething my family is becoming known for, Addiction or CPS. With trust in God I know that I will be saved and I will make my grammy happy in heaven.
Rest In Paradise My Angel. I Miss and Love You So MUCH!